Call ACT on 01455 234000
Problem solving indexable carbide cutting tools
As a specialist cutting tool provider, with over 30 years’ experience, ACT has built a reputation for providing solutions to a variety of tooling requirements in areas often regarded as special applications by the industry.
ACT offers a large range of standard, innovative, cost effective tooling from stock, that is technically imaginative and to high quality, providing real machining time savings.
ACT offers a comprehensive range of grooving tooling – both standard off the shelf and manufactured to customer requirements – for applications from internal, external and face grooves, to dovetail grooves and customer special requirements.
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The current product range includes tools and holders for drilling, fast de-burring, milling, engraving, combined spotting and chamfering, spot / chamfer drills, iCenter drilling, corner rounding and chamfering – plus the SLOKY torque screwdriver range.